Talks + Presentations
I speak on topics ranging from Web technology and culture to
privacy to software development methodologies. Where possible I post the
presentations here, and make them freely available. If you find something
here helpful, please feel free to use or adapt it for your own use. However,
I ask in return that you give credit byincluding an
appropriate reference back to this Web site. For example, you could
include something like:
This presentation uses material originally prepared by <a href="">Ian Graham</a> for a talk entitled <i>The Blogging Life of Hamsters...</i>. The original material is found at <a href="put-link-here"></a>.of course edited for the right URLs. And you should change 'hamsters' to the appropriate mammal.
- The Personal Web: Observations, Models and the Challenge for Financial Services 3 November 2010
- Invited Presentation at First Symposium on the Personal Web, held as part of the CASCON 2010 conference, November 1-4 2010.
- This talk takes a geographic perspective of the Web, and explores how the typical physical / geographical boundaries of personal, social and public are not present (or obvious) on the Web. I then argue that this can lead to subtle problems when trying to construct "personal" web services. In particular I map this model onto the world of banking, and argue that some of the problems faced when bringing "personal" banking services to the Web lie in understanding the domain into which they are being provisioned (personal, social, or public).
- Speaker's slides: personalWeb-3nov2010.ppt (Office 2003-format).
- The Opportunities of Learning Technologies 21 October 2010
- An after dinner speech and Q&A for the Psychology Foundation of Canada
- This talk discussed emerging themes and capabilites in learning technologies, to help the Psychology Foundation leadership team start to think through how these could be leveraged in the Foundations' outreach activites.
- Speaker's Notes: Speaker's notes
- Speaker's slides: LearningTechTrends-21oct2010.ppt (Office 2003-format).
- Change Management and Social Media 30 January 2010
- Presented at the Acuity Forums Conference Executing Social Media, Feb 9-10 and March 10-11, 2010
- This talk looks at the role of change management in the successful use or implementation of social networking in the workplace. The talk looks first a sources of conflict that may lead to difficulties or challenges in adoption, and then uses some simple examples, and case studies, to show how well thought-through change management practices can help ensure success.
- Talk: social_success.ppt (Office 2003-format). There are notes included with the presentation, so you may want to read or print the "notes" view.
- The First 200 Years of Networking 12 June 2009
- Presented at the SubtleTechnologies 2009 Conference/Fesival
- This talk looks at the early history of networking, and talks of the personal stories of those who originated these first networks, and the technical and cultural ideas and themes that originated in these early years, and that exist to the present day.
- Talk: talk-2009.pptx (Office 2007-format) or talk-2009.ppt (Older Officeformat). Note there are notes included with the presentation, so you may want to read or print the "notes" view.
- A History of the Future of the Internet 8 June 2008
- Presented at BMO's Professional Excellence Symposium on 5 June, 2008.
- This talk looks at the history of 'coded' communication, starting from optical telegraphy right up to the Internet age, and talks about how the evolution of these technologies has led to the exponentially innovative age we see today. It concludes by asking the question: how can the same 'road to innovation' be applied to other areas of business, such as the value chain of financal services?
- Talk: pes-2008a.ppt. Note that there are notes in this PPT presentation, so it may be helpful to read or print the "notes" view.
- A Brief History of the Internet 24 March 2008
- Presented at McMaster University, as a guest lecturer in the course Topics in the Philosophy and History of Computing .
- This talk looks at history in the long term and from both a technical and business perspective, starting with the communication technologies of the late 18th century, and working forward to today. This isn't the history you are used to reading!
- Talk: ihistory-15mar2008.ppt. Note that there are notes in this PPT presentation, so it may be helpful to read or print the "notes" view.
- Introducing Change Managment to Adjust Workplace Culture to Social Media 5 December, 2007
- Presented at a Canadian Institute conference on Social Media (4-5 December, 2007)
- A look, from the change management perspective, at how to successfully adopt social media into an organization. This includes frameworks for analyzing and overcoming barriers, as well as some simple case studies.
- Talk: social_success.ppt
- Ajax: the next generation of Web applications (updated!) 22 June 2007
- An updated version of the presentation given in 2006, to include additional discussion of Web 2.0 and it's impact on Web application architectures.
- Talk: ajax-overview-2007.ppt
- Tackling IT Complexity: Where does it come from, and what can we do about it? 22 June 2007
- A study of how technology complexity can help or hinder business operations, with case studies of how to improve. Notes are not available, as the presentation contains information proprietary to BMO.
- Talk: not available at this time
- Ajax: the next generation of Web applications 14 June 2006
- Presented at the Bank of Montreal's Professional Excellence Symposium.
- Talk: ajax-overview.ppt
- Blogging as a Tool for Corporate Information Management 19 October 2005
- Presented at CASCON, Toronto Ontario Canada, as part of a workshop on blogging.
- Talk: blogging-2005-a.ppt
- Incremental Application Development 18 April 2005
- Presented at the Bank of Montreal's Professional Excellence Day, BMO Institute for Learning, Toronto
- Talk: incremental-talk.ppt
- (Updated version) Blogging, Googling Syndication: What's the Web coming to? 18 April 2005
- Presented at the Bank of Montreal's Professional Excellense Day, BMO Institute for Learning, Toronto
- Talk: googling-talk.ppt
- Examples: index.html
- Archive: (presentation and all examples)
- Blogging, Googling Syndication: What's the Web coming to? 8 July 2004
- Presented at the Bank of Montreal's Developers Day, BMO Institute for Learning, Toronto
- Talk: bmo-devday-talk.ppt
- Examples: index.html
- ZIP file: (presentation and all examples)
- XML 101: A technical introduction to XML 20 November 2002
- Presented at the Bank of Montreal Database Users Group, BMO Institute for Learning, Toronto
- Talk: xml101-20nov02.ppt (PowerPoint 97 )
- <XML> and the Future of Internet-based Computing 11 March 2002
- Presented as part of the Teaching and Learning with Technology lecture series, University of British Columbia
- Talk: xml-ubc.ppt (PowerPoint 97 )
- Examples: index.html
- An introduction to XML, IVR, and VoiceXML 30 January 2002
- Presented to an industrial design class in Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
- Talk: intro-to-voicexml.ppt (PowerPoint 97 )
- A Technical Introduction to XML 31 October 2001
- Presented to the Toronto CICS Association
- Talk: xml-tech-31oct01.ppt (PowerPoint 97 )
- XML Examples: examples.html
- Archive: (ZIP archive)
- Developing Web Applications Using XHTML: Problems and Benefits 23 February 2001
- Presented at XMLDevcon2001, London, England
- Paper: xmldevcon2001.doc (Word 97) ~ xmldevcon2001.rtf (Word 97 - RTF)
- Talk slides: devcontalk.ppt (PowerPoint 97)
- Example Web Pages: examples.html
- XML, HTML and All That: What do they Mean, and Why are they Important? 21 November 2000
- Presented at King's College London, England
- Talk: xml-talk.ppt (PowerPoint 97) ~ xml-talk-95.ppt (PowerPoint 95)
- Example Web Pages: examples.html
- Introduction to XML 11 May 2000
- Presented at Manitoba Library Assocation Conference, Winnnipeg, Manitoba
- Talk: xml-talk.ppt (PowerPoint 97)
- Example Web Pages: examples.html
- Collaborating on the Web: Concepts, Tools, and Approaches 22 March 2000
- A joint presentation with Gale Moore and Mark Chignell
Presented at the Collaborative Tools Showcase, University of Toronto - Talk: IanGalecollab.ppt (PowerPoint 97) ~ IanGalecollab-95.ppt (PowerPoint 95)
- XML, HTML and All That: What do they Mean, and Why Should You Care? 17 March 2000
- Presented at McMaster University
- Talk: xml-talk.ppt (PowerPoint 97) ~ xml-talk-95.ppt (PowerPoint 95)
- Example Web Pages: examples.html
- An Introduction to XML: the eXtensible Markup Language XML 29 February 2000
- Presented at the Centre for Academic Technology Lunchtime Seminar Series
- Talk: xml-talk.ppt (PowerPoint 97) ~ xml-talk-95.ppt (PowerPoint 95)
- Example Web Pages: examples.html
- Introduction to Interactivity on the Web 1 February 2000
- Presented at the Centre for Academic Technology Lunchtime Seminar Series
- Talk: interactive.ppt ( interactive95.ppt -- PowerPoint 95)
- Example Web pages: examples.html
- An Introduction to RDF: The Resource Description Framework 16 November 1999
- Presented at the Centre for Academic Technology Lunchtime Seminar Series
- Talk: rdf-talk.ppt (rdf-talk95.ppt -- PowerPoint 95)
- Example Web pages: examples.html
- Structure and Management of Online Courses 23 September 1999
- Presentation for The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
- Talk: courseware2.ppt (PowerPoint 95)
- Longer Presentation: courseware.ppt (PowerPoint 95)
- Example sites:
- An Introduction to XML: the eXtensible Markup Language XML 24 August 1999
- Presented at the Centre for Academic Technology Lunchtime Seminar Series
- Talk: xml-talk.ppt (PowerPoint 97) ~ xml-talk-95.ppt (PowerPoint 95)
- Example Web Pages: examples.html
- Putting Privacy into context: An overview of the Concept of Privacy and of Current Technologies 29 June 1999
- Presented for the Insight Information conference: How to Ensure Customer Privacy in E-Commerce Transactions
- Full Paper: privacy.doc (Word '97) ~ privacy.html (HTML)
- Presentation: talk.ppt (PPT '97)
- References: links & references
- Introduction to Interactivity for the Web 19 March 1999
- Presented at the Centre for Academic Technology Lunchtime Seminar Series
- Talk: interactive.ppt (PowerPoint '98) or interactive-95.ppt (PowerPoint '95)
- HTML Examples: example.html
- Introduction to the eXtensible Markup Language -- XML 16 March 1999
- Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Internet Professionals. (no notes available)
- Technologies of Web Application Design: Past, Present and Future 16 February 1999
- Presented at the monthly Society of Internet Professionals Meeting (joint meeting with CITO and the APL SIG)
- Slides: HTML pages
- Downloadable Archive: ( talk.tar (174080 bytes) ~ talk.tar.gz (108149 bytes, gzip compressed))
- Site Management and Design: Trends and Implementing Technologies 3 November 1998
- Presented at IBM Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS), Toronto Ontario.
- Talk: ibm-talk.ppt
- Preparing, Managing and Assessing Online Courses 12 May 1998
- Presented at the Centre for Academic Technology, University of Toronto
- Talk: courseware.ppt (PPT '95) ~ HTML slides (simply images from the PowerPoint presentation) ~ (ZIP archive of HTML slides)
- Third Generation Web Site Design 26 April 1998
- Presented at the Winnipeg Library Association Conference
- Talk: site-design.ppt (PPT '97)
- Online Examples: examples.html
- Talk Archive: (examples + PPT)
- Designing Web Applications 26 April 1998
- Presented at the Winnipeg LIbrary Association Conference
- Talk: app-design.ppt (PPT '97)
- HTML Examples: examples.html
- Archive: (archive of talk and examples)
- New Technologies and the Future of the Web 25 April 1998
- Presented at the Winnipeg LIbrary Association Conference
- Talk: home.html (HTML slides)
- Archive: mla1.tar (tar archive - can be unpacked using ZIP).
- Web -- Staying Up-to-Date 27 January 1998
- Presented at Internet World '98, Toronto, Canada.
- Talk: internetworld.ppt (PPT '97) or internetworld-95.ppt (PPT '95)
- Stylesheets and Web Site Management 9 July 1997
- Talk Presented at Comdex Canada
- Talk: index.html (HTML slides)
- Archive: archive.tar (tar archive)
- The New Web Technologies: Ramifications and Visions 19 June, 1997
- Presented to Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism
- Talk: HTML slides or slides4.ppt (PowerPoint Version 4)
- Advanced HTML and Web Design 7 May 1997
- Presented at Multimedia '97
- Talk: HTML slides or (ZIP archive of slides)
- Introduction to the Web and HTML 7 May 1997
- Presented at Multimedia '97
- Talk: HTML slides or talk.tar (TAR archive of slides)
- New Technologies and the Future of the Web 23 April 1997
- Presented to Forum for I.T. Professionals, The Conference Board of Canada
- Talk and Examples: index page
- What's New on the Web for Librarians (with Sian Meikle) 8 February 1997
- Talk: slides.ppt (PowePoint Version 4)
- Designing Documents for The Web (with Sian Meikle) 7 February 1997
- Talk: intro.html (HTML pages)
- New Technologies on the Web 6 February 1997
- Talk Presented for the Information Technology Research Centre's Web Breakfast Series
- Talk and Examples: intro.html
- New Topics in Web Design 22 January 1997
- Talk Presented to WebGrrls, Toronto Chapter
- Talk and Examples: intro.html
- Whither the Web: Some Reflections on the Future of Culture and Business 12-13 December, 1996
- Presented as a luncheon address for the Corparate Intranets conference, Toronto, Canada
- Text Not Available
- Designing Effective Intranet Sites -- Technical and Organizational Issues May — November 1996
- Presented at:
- Intranet '96 (NTG Technologies), Ottawa, Ont, May 30-31 1996
- Intranet '96 (NTG Technologies), Toronto, Ont, June 5-6 1996
- Implementing and Managing Internal Web Sites for Intra Corporate Communication (IQPC), Toronto, Ont, October 28-30 1996
- Intranets: Technology and Strategy for Communication, Collaboration and Creativity (Canada Forum), Toronto, Ont, November 5-6 1996
- Talk: websi4.ppt (PowerPoint 4) or website.ppt (PowerPoint 7)
- HTML-Enabled Applications September 1996
- Presented at: Interop DotCom, Atlanta, GA
- Talk: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ tar archive ~ Gzipped tar archive
- Trends in Web Technologies 30-31 May 1996
5-9 June 1996 - Presented at:
- Intranet '96 (NTG Technologies), Ottawa, Ont, May 30-31 1996
- Intranet '96 (NTG Technologies), Toronto, Ont, June 5-6 1996
- Talk: trends4.ppt (PowerPoint 4) ~ trends.ppt (PowerPoint 7)
- The HTML Sourcebook, Second Edition 13 March 1996
- Presented at a book Launch event: UofT Bookstore Writer's Series, Toronto, Ontario
- Talk: page0.html
- What is the Internet? Spring 1995
- General Presentation to University of Toronto Staff and Faculty
- Talk: page0.html
- Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web Spring 1995
- Presentation to Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of Toronto
- Talk: page0.html
- What is the the Internet? Summer 1995
- Alternate presentation to University of Toronto Staff and Faculty
- Talk: page0.html
- Promotional Talk: The HTML Sourcebook 20 October 1995
- Book Promotional Presentation hosted by Singapore Telecom, Singapore
- Talk: page0.html