Example Pages from the XML, HTML and All That
- Simple Example XML document
- test.xml (plain text )
- test-style.xml - with a CSS style sheet.
(plain text,
style sheet )
- MathML Information
- http://www.w3.org/Math/
(IBM TechExplorer download. The download includes example MathML files)
- SMIL Information
- http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/
http://www.real.com (RealAudio
G2 Player download)
otslocal.smil (SMIL Example)
otslocal.txt (SMIL Example -- as plain text so you can read it!)
- XHTML Information
- http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/
- Netscape Open Directory and RDF
- http://www.dmoz.org
- Structural data RDF example,
Content data RDF Example
- Netscape Navigator 5 Browser -- XUL
- http://www.mozilla.org
You can look through the site to find information on
how XUL is used (with JavaScript and CSS) to define the layout
and functionality of the User Interface.