Data Dictionary
- Author
- The creator (or at least, the one assuming responsibility for) of the
content of a resource. Either
a single person, or a group. In some cases, the author may digitally sign the
- Reference
- A pointer from an article to another
resource which is not a different version of the article.
- Editor
- Envelope
- Generalizes headline. Is
associated one-to-one with a resource, and
describes it, using keywords, versioning, authorship, editorial, and
publication data.
- Headline
- Article
- Specializes resource.
- Filter
- A predicate on the complete set of
resources published by a given source or aggregator.
- Source
- 1.The originator of the information in a resource. 2.
Synonymous with aggregator
- Aggregator
- Functionally identically to a publisher, but
an aggregator is also a subscriber to
numerous other sources which (in general) pre-filters and re-categorizes the
resources it subscribes to.
- Resource
- Version
- Event Information
- An article
containing date-and-time and location, which is meant to describe an upcoming
event. Like an article, it has keywords to
facilitate searching.
- Calendar
- A collection of event information; thus,
- Keyword
- A string associated with a resource description. Keywords may either be in an undifferentiated set of strings,
or they may be partitioned by subject areas.
- consumer
- Applications that consume or display content resources.
- user
- A person who reads or views content, perhaps produced by a consumer
- reference
- an information source which is itself an accessible or referencable
- source
- a source of original information used by an author to create a resource.
Some sources may be references.
- content producer
- information source
- publisher
To make a resource available, and to notify subscribers of its existence by
sending them a description or headline containing
information about it.