Figures from Chapter 9
- Figure 9.9 --
Simple form document form-get.html that uses the GET
method to submit data to a server.
- Figure 9.12 --
Source listing for the perl CGI program dummy, which
lists out all defined environment variables and the data sent
from the browser to a server using the POST method.
- Figure 9.14 -- Here is the simple
form document form-post1.html
used to generate the HTTP data illustrated in this figure.
This is the same as the document in Figure 9.9 except that
the method has been changed from GET to POST.
- Figure 9.16 -- Here is the simple
form document form-post2.html
used to generate the HTTP data illustrated in this figure.
This is the same as the document in Figure 9.14 except that
the data encoding type has been set to the value
multipart/form-data using the form element
attribute enctype="multipart/form-data".
- See Appendix C -- To find out
about the programs used to monitor HTTP transactions.