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Images in HTML Documents

Image Element Attributes

( note that this is laid out using an HTML table...)

Attribute Description
SRC = "url" Defines the source of the image
LOWSRC = "url" (Netscape only!) Source for a low-resolution Image. Netscape will load this image first, and then load the regular SRC image.
ALT ="text alternative to image" Provides a text-alternative to the image
HEIGHT = "n" Height of the image, in pixels
WIDTH = "n", "n%" Width of the image, in pixels, or as percentage width of element image is inside.
HSPACE = "n" Horizontal space to leave on each side of the image
VSPACE = "n" Vertical space to leave above and below the image
ALIGN = "top", "middle", "bottom""left", "right" Alignment of image with respect to surrounding text ("top", "middle", "bottom") or with respect to the page ("left", "right")

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