The XML Specification Guide Home ~ Errata


Errata for Appendix D, Part 3:
XML for HTML Experts

Page 361, second-to-last paragraph.
Some markup was lost. The paragraph should read:
In XML, element names are case-sensitive. In XML, all element names are case-sensitive, while in HTML they are not. Thus, in HTML, the markup <P> paragraph </p> is correct, while in XML it is a fatal error, as the end tag </p> does not have a matching start tag.

Page 361, last paragraph.
Some markup was lost. The paragraph should read:
In XML, attribute names are case-sensitive. In XML, attribute names are also case-sensitive, so that the tag <a href="ref1" Href="ref2"> is correct XML, as the two attributes href and Href are different. In HTML, attribute names are case-insensitive, so that the preceding tag would be an error -- the two attributes would be seen as identical, and it is illegal (in both XML and HTML) to specify the same attribute more than once on the same element.

Cover graphic for 'The XML Specification Guide'

ISBN 0-471-32753-0
462 pages
February, 1999

Update to:

Appendix D,
Part Three

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Page Last Modified: 25 February 1999