Paddings and Borders Around Images

A) No Border, No Padding

Here is some text, to make sure the image is in the second line in the paragraph. Here is some more text, with an inline image. This one has no border or padding.

B) Border Only

Here is some text, to make sure the image is in the second line in the paragraph. Here is some more text, with an inline image. This one has a border, but no padding.

C) Padding Only

Here is some text, to make sure the image is in the second line in the paragraph. Here is some more text, with an inline image. This one has padding, but no border.

D) Border and Padding -- Vertical-align: text-top

Here is some text, to make sure the image is in the second line in the paragraph. Here is some more text, with an inline image. This one has padding and a border.