Test of Attribute-based Image Alignment

Here is a paragraph containing a floated img element: example floated image -- the element is floated to the left using the align="left" attribute assignment. Note how the image is floated to the left inner edge of the block it lies within, such that all the text preceding the img in the markup appears before the floated image.

example floated image Here is a paragraph element containing a floated img element: -- the element is floated to the left using the align="left" attribute assignment. The attribute hspace="0" removes the space to the left and right of the floated image -- Note how the image is flush with the left inner edge of the paragraph it lies within, and that it is floated such that all the text preceding the img in the markup appears before the floated image.

Here is a second paragraph with the same floated image, but this time floated to the right, and with margins added around the image using hspace="10" and vspace="20". Note how this adds margins on all sides of the image, example floated image and displaces the paragraph text. This img is in the middle of the paragraph, so the image extends into the next paragraph.

A fourth paragraph. The image from the preceding paragraph should push into this paragrah, and displace some of the text in the earlier sentences.